Minggu, 05 Oktober 2014


Alcotuff is a heavy duty aluminium composite panel with excellent properties, combining fire safety with great aesthetics.

This remarkable product offering a wide range of architectural solution for you to create a new image for you corporate office, public buildings, gas stations, hotels, car showrooms, banks, and many others.
Alcotuff is composed of a Fire Resistant Core sandwiched between two architectural aluminium sheets, front side which is coated with X-Tra Durable PVDF (Polyvinyldenefluoride) and/or FEVE ( Fluoroethlyne Vinyl Either), back side is a polyester.

Using DUPONT adhesives with a co-extrusion process, one of the very few in the world due to high tech / capital machinery costs. Alcotuff has superior panel adhesion over the more common adhesive film lamination process.

With a simpe and quick intallation including wide selection of colors and sizes, it can also quickly turn old tire buildings into a brand new exciting look!

Surface Coating Thickness
Front side minimum 25 microns
Back side 7 microns
all washed and chromated

MATERIALS                                                               DIMENSION                     
Front Side                                                                  Thickness
Architectural aluminium series                                   4mm (Standard)
0,5mm - Coated with PVDF and/or FEVE
Core                                                                            Width
Fire retarding minerals & PE composite                     1220 (Standard)
                                                                              1000 to 1570mm (Upon request)
Back Side                                                                   Length
Architectural aluminium series   0,5mm -                   4880mm (Standard)
coated with polyester                                               Special lengths upon request


Alcotuff core contains fire retarding composite material of the highest degree developed with propiertary technology. It confomrs to the fire safety requirements according to USA ASTM E-84, British Standards BS476 and Germany DIN 4102 Standards.

Using the best coating material of PVDF or PEVE specified resin level controlled, and a quality multiple dip roller coating and backing process, Alcotuff ensures color uniformity and has the ability to retard color fading for a long period in outdoor condition.


With special request, we can produce Alcotuff with easy cleaning characteristic by applying special lacquering coating which leads to an easy-to-clean characteristic to the surface. There exist some nano named easy cleaning products which do not actually last more than a year. Alcotuff's Easy Cleaning type is durable and will last for years.  

Installed and sealed with our Seales with our SealTuff sealent developed with Kaneka Japan inputs and material, it will prevent the common problems of black strips staining from poor quality sealants ot silicone for a long period.

Simply The Best 

Sabtu, 04 Oktober 2014

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Adha 1435 H

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Segenap keluarga besar Signboard Advertising Bandung ( SAB Group ) mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Idul Adha 1435 H .

"Maka tatkala anak itu ( Nabi Ismail A.S) sampai (pada umur sanggup) berusaha bersama-sama Ibrahim, Ibrahim berkata: Hai anakku sesungguhnya aku melihat dalm mimpi bahwa aku menyembelihmu", maka fikirkanlah apa pendapatmu? Ia menjawab: Hai bapakku, kerjakanlan apa yang diperintahkan kepadamu, Insya Allah kamu akan mendapatiku termasuk orang-orang yang sabar (QS-As Saffat 102)

Semoga kita dapat mencontoh pengorbanan yang sempurna seperti Nabi Ibrahim A.S. demi mengharapkan keridhoan Allah SWT, diberi ketaatan & kesabaran seperti Nabi Ismail A.S, diberi keikhlasan seperti Siti  Hajarserta diberi keridhoan dari junjungan kita Nabi Muhammad S.A.W

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb